Monday, August 24, 2009

Photoshop tutorial - Shiny Button

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Shiny Button.

Open a new file. I used 250x250. Now make a circle with Elipsse tool. Hold Shift, to make the circle perfectly round.
In this example I've chosen red, but this can be changed to whatever you want. DON'T deselect it yet.
Now we are going to make the upper white glow. Make a new layer (Shift + Ctrl + N).
Click on the newest layer, we are going to pull a gradient through the selection. Put a simple Gradient in, from white to transparant.

Now press Ctrl + D to deselect. After that, press Ctrl + T to make it a bit smaller. Change the settings to W:80% H:60% . This will look as the following:

Now the only thing left to do is the low glow. To do this, repeat step 2 and 3. Pick the Magic Wand tool, and select the circle. Now make a new layer, and let a gradient come from below. Now you botton should look like this.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photoshop tutorial - Ice Cube

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a cool ice cube in Photoshop.
First, make a new file, (seize 400x400) resoltion 72 dpi and RGB mode.
Take the Polygon Lasso tool and create a shape as shown below. DON'T deselect it.
Make a new layer, and fill the selection with this color: #7f7f7f. (Delete the # and the .)
Then change the Blending options to the following settings:

After that, your picture should look like this:
Then create a new shape with the Polygon Lasso tool. DON'T deselect it.
Make a new layer. Fill your selection with this color: #dododo . (Delete the # and the .)
Now, Go to the layer pallete, select layer 1 and right click on copy layer style.
Now paste the layer style on the secodn layer, as shown in the following picture.
Now your image should be looking like this.
Then create a new layer, and make your selection with the Polygon Lasso tool.
Fill it with this color: #dododo . (Delete the # and the .)
Now go to the layer pallete, and paste the layer style on this layer too.
Now your image should look like this.
Now go to the layer pallete, and click this small ball icon. then selece the Photofilter. Use these settings:
Now your ice cube should be done! Well, enjoy this tut, and play around with it some more!
Original Tutorial from HERE.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Photoshop tutorial - Fiber

This tutorial will learn you how to create a fiber.

Create a new document. Size doesnt matter.
Now press "D" on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white. Fill your background with black color.

Go to Filter> Render Lens Flares and apply the following setting:
Then go to Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation Or press Ctrl + U, and apply the following setting:
After that, go to Filter> Pixelate> Mezzotint and use Short Strokes in drop down menu.
Then go to Filter> Blur> Radial Blur and apply the following setting:
Press Ctrl+F to do that again.
After that, it should look like this:
Apply Filter> Distort> Twirl and set the Angle to 110.
Now duplicate the Background layer. after that , go to Filter>Disort>Twirl, and set angle to -220.
Now set the Duplicated layer to lighten.
Now merge the 2 layers. Presss Ctrl+U or go to Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation.
Change the settings to this. (You can play around with the colors this time.)
Final results:
Thats it! That wasnt so hard wasnt it?
Orignal tutorial from HERE

Photoshop tutorial - Fire

This tutorial will learn you how to make a realistic fire effect.

Start off with a picture with 500x500.
Press 'D' to reset your Color Palette. Now go to Filter>Render>Clouds.
and then Filter>Render>Difference Clouds.
It should look a bit like this.
Now go to Image>Adjusments>Invert or press Ctrl + I.
Now go to Image>Adjusments>Levels or press Ctrl + L.
Then Apply these settings:
After that, go to Filter>Disort>Polar Coordinates, and apply the following settings:
Then Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and use the following settings:
Now go to Filter>Disort>Shear.
We need to change to color, to make it look more fire-y. So press Ctrl + U.
Now duplicate the layer and set it to overlay.
If you want you can change to colors, but i leave it like this.
Thats it!

Rewritten & Final result 2 by me.
Click HERE for the site where i got it from.