Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Photoshop tutorial - Explosion

This tutorial will learn you how to make a explosion in Photoshop Cs2(I didnt test it for Cs3 or Cs4).

Open a new file in photoshop. I used 400 x 400 px. make sure foreground color is black, and the background color is white. (press D)
Now, go to filter>Render>Lens Flare
and give it the following institutions:
Now go to Filter>Pixelate>Mosaic. Now activate this. The settings stay the same. After that, go to Filter>Sketch>Water Paper. you activate this too without changing the settings.
When you have done this, you go to filter>blur>radial blur. Change the settings to this:
When you have done this, duplicate the layer. Change the settings of this layer to this:
Now make a new layer. Go to Filter>Render>Clouds and then to Filter>Render>Difference Clouds. When you have done this give this layer the following settings:
Press ctrl + U and give the menu the following settings:
Of course you can play around with it, but im just gonna show you how i did it.
At te other layers you have to make sure that 1 os yellow and the other one is red.
Your layers should look like this:
Here are 2 outcomes:
Now its your turn to try it! Post your resulst here!

( I translated it and added sum things)
the pictures are also from there.