First, make a new file, (seize 400x400) resoltion 72 dpi and RGB mode.
Take the Polygon Lasso tool and create a shape as shown below. DON'T deselect it.
Make a new layer, and fill the selection with this color: #7f7f7f. (Delete the # and the .)
Then change the Blending options to the following settings:
After that, your picture should look like this:
Then create a new shape with the Polygon Lasso tool. DON'T deselect it.
Make a new layer. Fill your selection with this color: #dododo . (Delete the # and the .)
Now, Go to the layer pallete, select layer 1 and right click on copy layer style.
Now paste the layer style on the secodn layer, as shown in the following picture.
Now your image should be looking like this.
Then create a new layer, and make your selection with the Polygon Lasso tool.
Fill it with this color: #dododo . (Delete the # and the .)
Now go to the layer pallete, and paste the layer style on this layer too.
Now your image should look like this.
Now go to the layer pallete, and click this small ball icon. then selece the Photofilter. Use these settings:
Now your ice cube should be done! Well, enjoy this tut, and play around with it some more!